Chair's Report to 2021 Annual General Meeting
This is my first report as Chair of the Trust and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing Chair for his tremendous contribution to the Trust over the duration of his eight year tenure.
I would also like to thank all of the Trustees for their ongoing contribution and support over the course of the last year. The arrival of COVID-19 in 2020 turned the World as we know it upside down and presented numerous challenges. The Trust, and in particular its investments, were not excluded.
In the Chair’s opinion, the Trust’s investments performed better than expected in 2020 in light of the global pandemic. A revised Statement of Investment Policies and Objectives (SIPO) was agreed upon in December 2020 with an implementation plan to be developed in 2021. Here’s to business as usual for the investments in 2021 and beyond.
The Trust’s publicity program continues to be well-managed by PR consultant, Monique Balvert O’Connor, under the direction of the Promotion and Publicity Committee.
A push for growth of the Trust’s Alumni Facebook page through a competition in early 2021 was one of the year’s new initiatives, which was well-received.
The Trust continued its three established initiatives in 2020, namely the scholarship program, Instep and Toi EDA grants and its Future Leaders Program.
We farewelled John Burn as a Trustee at the AGM on 22 June 2020. John had served as a Trustee since 1985 and will be sorely missed. He was appropriately appointed as the Trust’s fourth Emeritus Trustee.
Terri Eggleton tendered her resignation as a Trustee on 10 May 2021. This was accepted at the Trustee meeting on 12 May 2021 and Terri was thanked for her valuable service to the Trust over the last couple of years.
The Trustees were pleased to announce the appointment of Jonny Beadle as a Trustee at the Trustee meeting on 12 May. Jonny brings youth to the Board, along with valuable experience in the field of banking and investments which will enhance the Board’s skillset.
Nick Earl – Chairman
12th May 2021